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Rarity of LEGOs

The rarity of LEGOs is determined in many ways. Some have rare colors that are not used anymore, and for some, production is no longer going on at all. Certain characters and figures are no longer made also, whether they are sold separately or contained in a set. Maybe it is the character that was originally inspired from a movie is not so popular today. That is why many collectors will purchase new LEGOs as soon as they are released in stores. That way, they are assured to have the piece before the product is no longer available in stores.

Rare LEGOs do not have to be expensive, but when they are no longer produced, they can be very hard to find. Collecting LEGOs is a hobby that is very widespread. Some collectors do not do it for the cash but to reflect on their favorite pastime and to maintain a feeling of nostalgia. It gives collectors a great feeling to locate a piece they didn’t have in their collection before.

You can find many LEGOs on eBay. Thanks to the internet, it is an easy answer. You can keep track of the LEGOs that you have and ones that you do not have. You can also search for ones that are missing from your collection. There are many sellers who have a store on eBay that is dedicated strictly to LEGOs. Many rare pieces can be located in this fashion.